Friday, March 2, 2012

National Day of Action for Education

m1 education
In December, the NYC Student Assembly and Occupy Education Northern California called for March 1 to be a National Day of Action in Defense of Education. Groups from around the country have responded to this call. Follow #M1, #OccupyEd, and @Occupy_Ed on Twitter! There are a number of actions planned on campuses throughout New York City. Here are a few:
All-City Student Actions: (NYC Facebook page)
2PM Manhattan convergence at Department of Education, 52 Chambers St
3PM march begins at Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn
4PM Convergence at Fort Greene, Brooklyn

Campus Actions:
Brooklyn College:
12-3PM - the Quad
BMCC: 1:45pm Icarus Statue in front of main building
NYU: 12PM -
Washington Square Park
Columbia: Low Plaza 11:30-1PM
RSCC contingent: 1:45 PM at the intersection of Duane Street and Elk Street in Manhattan near the African Burial Ground
Actions are also planned in Chicago, Washington DC, Central Florida, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco, and many other cities. In Philadelphia, Occupiers will meet in front of Gov. Tom Corbett's Philadelphia Office (200 South Broad St):
There’s plenty of resources in Pennsylvania to provide a high- quality education for all. Instead of protecting rich corporations like Comcast and Wells Fargo, the Governor should demand the 1% pay their fair share of taxes so we can protect our schools and communities. Join students, teachers, workers and community members as we demand a fair budget for the 99%!

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